City of Waycross Human Resources
The Human Resources Department maximizes the values of administrative effectiveness through the recruitment, selection, training and general treatment of employees for the City of Waycross. Employees will be selected, placed, and promoted based on their level of competency.
The Human Resources Department is dedicated in placing candidates in employment opportunities where their skills will enhance the living standards of the citizens of Waycross. To accomplish our mission, the Human Resources Department works to efficiently and effectively meet the continuous needs of employees regarding personnel records, insurance benefits, and salary information.
Director of Human Resources & Risk Management/Public Information Officer
Marissa Hendrix
Senior Human Resources Generalist
Kadezia Thomas-Morehead
Human Resources Generalist
Valencia Baker
Our Mission
Human Resources cooperates with other departments in the City of Waycross in providing various services for the employees of the City of Waycross. This Department includes:
- Personnel Records
- Employee Health Insurance
- Employment Vacancies
- Risk Management
- Payroll
- Employee Relations
- Fringe Benefits
The Human Resources Department is a customer-oriented team dedicated to providing personnel services to our community, supporting the City of Waycross’ mission and vision.
Our department performs the centralized functions of recruitment, orientation, benefits administration, risk management, employee and labor relations, employee communication and recognition programs
The City of Waycross is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
City of Waycross is an E-Verify Employer ID# 228812
Date of Authorization: 07-09-09

Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I apply?
The application is available at Waycross City Hall, Human Resources Department (second floor), or online under Employment Opportunities.
The application will need to be completed in full. Applications may be mailed, post marked with the closing date of the position available.Human Resources business hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm
Phone: 912-287-2914
Human Resources Department (second floor) 417 Pendleton Street, Waycross, GA 31501
What if I want to submit a resume?
You may attach a resume to your application. Please note that submitting a resume does not substitute for completing the application form. The City of Waycross requires an application to be submitted.
I missed the deadline – can I still apply?
As with any position, once a closing date has passed, no application will be considered. Applications will be on file for up to six months.
Please continue to visit the website and apply for new jobs as they become available. -
Do I have to fill out an application?
Everyone who applies for a position is required to create an application, which includes certain personal information. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to effectively evaluate your skills, abilities and qualifications. Incomplete applications may be rejected so please be thorough. Please note that submitting a resume does not substitute for completing the application form.
I’ve applied – should I call to check on my application?
Due to the volume of applications, no information concerning the status of the application will be given over the phone or in person. Application status will be sent by mail.
Employee Relations
Employee of the Month:
The City of Waycross has implemented a program each month to recognize an employee who is nominated by co-workers for outstanding achievement or performance. These nominations are accepted from any City employee to the Employee of the Month Committee. This committee is made up of City employees representing a cross section of departments throughout the City. The Committee then makes their selection and the Employee of the Month is presented in a ceremony before the City Commission on the first Commission meeting of the month following the selection. Each Employee of the Month is awarded a certificate signed by the City Manager and the Mayor, a plaque and a gift certificate.
Thinking of nominating someone for employee of the month? The following guidelines for a nomination along with the form.
- Employees cannot be nominated if they are on probation.
- Nomination forms should be submitted to your department director. The director will then pass on to Human Resources.
- Nominations are due between the 15th and the 25th day of the month to Human Resources, who will then forward to the Employee Relations Committee.
- Any City employee may nominate any employee from any department.
- Employee Performance should be “above and beyond” what is normally expected in the day to day performance of job duties.
Employee of the Year:
The Employee of the Year was established in 2011. At the end of each year, the 12 “Employee of the Month” selections are considered for the Employee of the Year Award. The same process is followed as for the Employee of the Month and on the second Commission meeting in January, the Employee of the Year is honored before the City Commissioners. The Employee of the Year is awarded a certificate signed by the City Manager and the Mayor, a plaque and a gift certificate.

Personnel Policy

Risk Management
Risk Management’s primary objective is to facilitate the safety and protection of the resources of the City of Waycross. The safety and well-being of the citizens of the City of Waycross is of vital importance to its employees when offering public services and providing venues for activities. The City of Waycross wishes to ensure that those services and venues are offered without risk of harm to those that use them.
Services provided by the Risk Management Division:
- Purchase and development of Property, Liability, and Workers’ Compensation insurance programs
- Administration of claims
- Direction of Safety and Training
- Guidance for the City’s loss control and prevention programs
Incidents & Reporting
- Any incidents involving the City should be reported immediately at the location to the management on duty.
- To report a claim to the City, call or visit Risk Management in Human Resources, City Hall on second floor.
All reported claims must be reported on the Loss Report and accompanied by a Police Report from the date of incident.
If you are aware of an unsafe practice or condition or if you have damages that you believe
the City of Waycross caused or is responsible for,
please contact the Human Resources/Risk Management at 912-287-2914.